Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Fat Squirrel

In the abundance of spare time I have (in between job searches) I have noticed a lot of things about my new surroundings.

I live in this nice little neighborhood- which is unusual because Michigan is comprised of a lot of subdivisions instead of neighborhoods.

When I sit on the couch drinking my coffee, watching my new favorite show (Dating Naked... seriously check it out it's amazingly terrible) I often find myself gazing out the window.
Aside from the occasional dog walker, UPS delivery, duck or deer, my favorite visitor to observe is The Fat Squirrel. 

The Fat Squirrel is, basically, Fairview Court's Chupacabra. 
Every other squirrel in the neighborhood is dwarfed and emaciated. I'm not even kidding... The Fat Squirrel will hoard nuts and have a speedy feast. I'm pretty sure he starves out and rules over all the tiny starving squirrels. 

Seeing The Fat Squirrel and observing his behaviors truly makes my day (pathetic right?) But that leads me to the conclusion that "the little things" are what keep us going.

Like one time (this morning) I saw one of the baby minion squirrels was chasing The Fat Squirrel!! IT WAS LIKE I WAS WATCHING ANARCHY! A tiny squirrel revolt.

Problem was, I don't know who I was rooting for. It was all so exciting.
Somehow the teeny squirrel chased The Fat Squirrel all the way into the road! 


I don't think you understand how intense this situation was, it was like a little animal action movie. Best part was I even got to watch this from my bedroom window. Ahh the luxuries of life. 

Thankfully, The Fat Squirrel maneuvered (somehow) out of the cars death path and escaped. Free to roam, hoard nuts and rule another day. 

As I continue to job search, I will stand vigilant and wait to sight The Fat Squirrel, once more. 

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