Friday, July 25, 2014

The Naive Connecticuter

Hello participants of the interwebz,
If you have happened upon my blog, welcome and congratulations for finding something so small and taking a chance to peer into my life. Naturally, being an unemployed English major, starting a blog about my trials and tribulations just makes sense.

So the sitch is, I'm a recent college- grad, I missed my graduation to go to an internship in France at the Cannes Film Festival (well worth it let me tell you), and now I just relocated to a new state, in a new region of the country to start my life.
I was born, raised and went to college in the lovely, quaint, white privileged state of Connecticut.  After 22 years of living in this Northeastern State, I felt it was time for a change. Where I was to go was up for grabs (originally). In the end, Michigan was set to be my new home.

Some of you (if you're still reading) may ask- "Why Michigan?"
Well, I have an answer that may upset you or make you laugh, I moved for a boy. Typical right? Girl meets boy... girl and boy fall in love... boy moves away... girl follows (not immediately, c'mon I'm not that pathetic).

Now, in a perfect world, I would have moved to a place where I had a job opportunity BUT, in all my infinite wisdom I figured everything would take it's course and I would move to Michigan and be accessible to the bountiful job interviews that were sure to come my way. I blame/thank my 22 year old naive brain for that "logic."

On July 10, at 3am, I sat in the drivers seat of my jam- packed Tiger Striped Kia Soul, with both my 19 year old brother and three cats in tow. I was extremely excited because in 11 hours I would be in Michigan and my boyfriend would be there to greet me!

My fairytale mindset continued through the weekend. My brother, boyfriend and I went to an Indie Alternative festival outside of Detroit, travelled to Ann Arbor for dinner and just relaxed.

THEN Monday hit. I drove my brother to the Detroit Airport and as I saw him walk into the terminal, I saw my last physical link to Connecticut disappear.

Originally, I was positive and knew that I would be okay. I now live in Michigan, with the man of my dreams, I have nothing to complain about.

Well, well, well, ladies and gentlemen (if again, you're still with me) here are when my problems start. First world problems, of course, which clearly are the best kind.

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